Festival of the Impossible 2020: a Digital Art Exhibition exploring Identity, and the Meaning of Home
Every year, the Festival of the Impossible reinvents the concept of an interactive exhibition. It showcases cutting edge technology with thought provoking art pieces. This year the festival has gone digital for all to access remotely. The theme, Identity and the Meaning of Home, became extremely relevant in 2020, with a shelter in place mandate that challenged creatives in new ways. Discover the incredible selection of artists, their creative journey and the augmented reality experiences they made with Adobe Aero. Detailed project overviews are also on Create Magazine.
Featured Artists and Work:

Matthew Ritchie - Aislar, The Masked City
Matthew Ritchie - For FOI, Matthew developed a project about the life of a female character named Aislar. This character appears to us through landscapes in New York city, at a time when all is still. Aislar recounts words of wisdom and stories about isolation.
Tap here from a mobile device for an excerpt of the interactive AR experience - works with Aero for iOS, best load times with wifi connection, 3D sound best experienced with headphones.

Deena Lynch (Jaguar Jonze) and Luigi Honorat - Jaguar Jonze’s Rising Sun
Deena Lynch (Jaguar Jonze) and Luigi Honorat - Working together from Japan and Australia, Deena and Luigi have built an AR experience that shows viewers what a trip through Jaguar Jonze’s mind might be like: full of music, playfulness and a little dose of darkness.
Tap here from a mobile device for an excerpt of the interactive AR experience - works with Aero for iOS, best load times with wifi connection, 3D sound best experienced with headphones.

Asavari Kumar - A New Normal
Asavari Kumar - Asavari is an avid filmmaker and lover of graphic novels and animation. She combines her design and drawing skills with the use Adobe Aero to tell her story about connection, hope and warmth.
Tap here from a mobile device for an excerpt of the interactive AR experience - works with Aero for iOS, best load times with wifi connection, 3D sound best experienced with headphones.

Dan Marcolina – The Path Home
Dan Marcolina – Dan explores his life growing up on the East Coast near the Jersey shore. Sheltering at home with family he began going through old photos and he uses his artwork to reflect on the most important things in his life.
Tap here from a mobile device for an excerpt of the interactive AR experience - works with Aero for iOS, best load times with wifi connection, 3D sound best experienced with headphones.

Juan José Egúsquiza - Memories of the Mundane, Something Abstract
Juan José Egúsquiza - Juan Jose shows us a story about using AR to enter a new reality. Recalling the days when he was young boy and could use his imagination to escape. His new character is now able to leave the confinement of his bedroom and venture to the seashore.
Tap here from a mobile device for an excerpt of the interactive AR experience - works with Aero for iOS, best load times with wifi connection, 3D sound best experienced with headphones.

Anna Landa - White Noise
Anna Landa - As a multimedia artist, originally from the Soviet Union. and the concept of Home and Identity have always been a subject of exploration in her artwork. For this project she is examining herself and exploring what she may learn while sheltering.
Tap here from a mobile device for an excerpt of the interactive AR experience - works with Aero for iOS, best load times with wifi connection, 3D sound best experienced with headphones.

Gabriel Barcia-Colombo - Choir
Gabriel Barcia-Colombo - Stuck inside for 4 months in New York City, Gabe’s relationship to bodies and voices has changed entirely, so he decided to explore this topic in AR, a medium that merges both the physical and the virtual.
Tap here from a mobile device for an excerpt of the interactive AR experience - works with Aero for iOS, best load times with wifi connection, 3D sound best experienced with headphones.

Justin Patton and Vladimir Petkovic - My Home, My Mind
Justin Patton and Vladimir Petkovic - The creative duo from the Adobe team will take you down on memory lane, paved by the significant moments in life. They become building blocks and make the foundation of ones most essential home - the mind itself.
Tap here from a mobile device for an excerpt of the interactive AR experience Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5 - works with Aero for iOS, best load times with wifi connection, 3D sound best experienced with headphones.
Festival of the Impossible 2019 Edition